3 Whyz Men
Just 3 guys trying to whyz up everything this crazy planet throws at us. Whyz the chicken cross the road? Whyz my shoe no rubber? Whyz my lungs no air? You get the point guys! We whyz up to anything that interest us from Football/Soccer, video games, movies, social agenda's, music and of course not forgetting what gives us diarrhea, FOOD/Makan/Sapadu/mum mum! Basically guys, we are here to just whyz up the world with our brain juice! Let's GO!
3 Whyz Men
S02EP14 - F1 Mid Season Review
Siouuuuuuu! Our take on a F1 car engine zooming going past esplanade towards bugis for teh tarik panas. Die hard fans Whyz Men Sol & Fad will be giving you guys the season round up so far, tracks to watch out for in the 2nd half of the season, predicting the championship standings and personal views on F1 future while Why Men Luq contemplates his decision between nasi lemak or briyani for breakfast .... So Why wait? Lets siouuu soiuuu soiuuuuuuuuu