3 Whyz Men
Just 3 guys trying to whyz up everything this crazy planet throws at us. Whyz the chicken cross the road? Whyz my shoe no rubber? Whyz my lungs no air? You get the point guys! We whyz up to anything that interest us from Football/Soccer, video games, movies, social agenda's, music and of course not forgetting what gives us diarrhea, FOOD/Makan/Sapadu/mum mum! Basically guys, we are here to just whyz up the world with our brain juice! Let's GO!
3 Whyz Men
S02EP3 - Chat with a Salesperson (former)
As promised more guest sharing with us their exciting careers and giving insights into their line of work. This episode is all about a guy who sells kacang putih (assorted peanuts). He shares with us the history of kacang and why its a go to for movie goers. Kidding! Heh! Anw our guest will be sharing his experience as a salesperson (SP) specifically banking / finance & product sales. Do hear to know how one can start as a SP from the ground up, what it takes to chase the sales number and sacrifices it requires to be on the top of the sales line. Do hear on to know if spending truck loads of money a night get you a deal closed and is being a procrastinator a good skill for a SP. Lets GO!
P.S - Ryan / Suria interview was very close to a E60 interview. Informative and personal on the life as a salesperson. We promise he will be back for more collabs!