3 Whyz Men

S02EP8 - Ramadan Kareem! Ramadan after 2 years of COVID restraints

April 03, 2022 L.S.F Season 2 Episode 8

Holy Moley Briyani! This Eps is all about the Ramadan month however not dwelling on the religious side we spin this to a lighter view on how ordinary folks approach the month. Many diverse perspective are shared, meal preference for morning and evening break fast and answering the all important question... what is the Terawih Cup? We also share on the major differences compared to 2 years of COVID ravaged celebrations. Oh yes, not forgetting we have guest Zen-Daya sharing his views and will he take up the challenge of fasting as a non-Muslim? Listen on!

P.S - Ramadan Month starts on 3rd April however under technicality based on the Muslim calendar 2nd April will be the official start.